
IAE Apprenticeships 2023

25th August, 2023 | posted by IAE Media

 IAE Apprenticeships 2023


IAE has taken on its largest intake of apprentices this year with 21 apprentices joining the business to help fulfil crucial skills needed to help drive business success.

apprentice intake 2023

The apprentices will be learning and developing new skills across 8 different business departments tailored to 6 apprenticeship standards. The program will range from Engineering Operatives covering Welding, Machining and Assembly; Science Manufacturing Process Operatives focusing on the Galvanising process; Business and administration focusing on Finance and Production Scheduling; Health and Safety; Engineering Technician focusing on Technical Engineering and Chartered Manager Degree apprenticeship focusing on Sales and Marketing.

We are also pleased to announce that IAE has invested in a new Apprenticeship Development Centre which is due to open its doors in September, welcoming in our first cohort of 11 Engineering Operative apprentices who will learn the basics of hand skills, sheet metal, milling, welding and the assembly of IAE’s products. The course will provide underpinning knowledge and skills to help prepare apprentices for manufacturing roles within the business.

apprentice intake 2023

Not only is IAE focused on bringing in new talent for the future, but we are also committed to developing our current staff with 10 employees currently enrolled on development programs in roles such as Procurement, Finance, Team Leader, Engineering and Maintenance.

2023 has also seen IAE engaging with more local schools from across the city by promoting apprenticeships through school assemblies with mock interviews held to help prepare students for job interviews in the future. We have welcomed schools into the business by providing site tours with Q&A sessions held with our current apprentices which helps to provide an insight into the types of roles on offer at IAE.

Continuing our successful Work Experience program, IAE has seen 18 students spending one week at IAE throughout the year, gaining valuable hands-on experience in various roles within Manufacturing, Engineering and Business.

We are very much looking forward to what 2024 brings by continuing to develop the business and welcoming more apprentices to the IAE family.

Are you looking for an apprenticeship or work experience for next year? View our opportunities here.

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