Planning was submitted by IAE in January 2017 to expand the operations on an existing site located at Mossfield Road, Adderley Green. Permission for the development was granted in July 2017 and enabling works commenced in July 2019.
The application proposes the construction of a new industrial building together with ancillary facilities including offices, canteen, changing facilities and a customer/staff learning area. The main building will host a production (fabrication) unit and separate powder coating plant in association with the agricultural, equestrian and fencing products produced by IAE. This will enable IAE to expand its existing operations within a single site, relocating a section of the workforce from an existing site in Cheadle and removing the need to transport products from the site for final powder coating.
In terms of scale, the proposed new building will measure approximately 189,000sqft and will be located to the southeast of the existing buildings situated adjacent to Mossfield Road. The building will have a maximum height of 13m across the roofline of both the production facility and powder coating plant, which will bookend the 10m high customer/staff learning centre and central offices.
In June 2019 IAE appointed Collins Earthworks Ltd and Blue Earth Construction Ltd as preferred contractors to undertake the groundworks for the development. During this work 3 mine shafts were treated, a ramp connecting the existing IAE site to the new development was constructed and drainage for the entire development was installed.
Phase 1
In January 2021 BlueEarth Construction Ltd were awarded the contract to build the first phase of the development consisting of a 156m x 50m (7,800m² – 84,000ft²) production area (MFP4), in-house demonstration and learning centre (3,600m² – 39,000ft²). In total this phase will create an additional 123,000ft² of internal floor space and 116,000ft² of external storage area.