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Countryside Productivity Small Grants Scheme Round 2 is Now Available

15th July, 2019 | posted by IAE Media

The Countryside Productivity Small Grants scheme Round 2 is now available for all farm types including livestock, horticulture and arable businesses, with a total of £15 million available.

For Round 2 funding:

  • 26 new items have been added to the list of equipment available
  • applicants for Round 1 funding can also submit a new application to receive funding in Round 2. The total value of both applications must not be more than £12,000
  • successful applicants will need to provide photos of the items working on their farm

IAE Compliant Products

You can find out which IAE products comply with the scheme here. 

Countryside Productivity Scheme

The RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme provides funding for projects in England which improve productivity in the farming and forestry sectors and help create jobs and growth in the rural economy.

It is administered by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA).

Under the RDPE Countryside Productivity Scheme, there are grants for:

  • small grants
  • water resource management and reservoirs
  • improving forestry productivity
  • adding value to Agri-food
  • improving farm productivity

The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Government guarantees about funding after the UK leaves the EU

The government has guaranteed funding for the RDPE Countryside Productivity Small Grants if projects are:

  • agreed and signed before 31 December 2020
  • good value for money and
  • in line with domestic strategic priorities

Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme

The RDPE Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme provides funding for farmers to purchase equipment to improve the productivity of their farm. The scheme is different to other parts of the Countryside Productivity scheme as it uses an online application process and is targeted at supporting investment for specific pieces of agricultural equipment.

Round 2

The Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme Round 2 is now open.

Farmers can apply for funding towards specific items of equipment listed at Annex 3 of the Countryside Productivity Small Grants scheme Round 2 handbook.

All the items have been identified following consultation with industry groups and suppliers as helping achieve improvements in either:

  • technical efficiency
  • animal health and welfare
  • resource efficiency, or
  • nutrient management

Who can apply

Farmers (including livestock, dairy, arable and horticultural sectors) can apply for this grant. Please read the Round 2 handbook below to find out more. This scheme is only open to farmers based in England.

Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme (CPSG) Round 2 Handbook (PDF854KB83 pages)

When you can apply

The Countryside Productivity Small Grant scheme Round 2 is open between 9 July 2019 and midday on 3 September 2019.

Please remember to check your details on the Rural Payments service before you apply for this grant. You must make sure they exactly match with the details in your application form, or your application will be rejected.

How to apply

Access the online portal and start your application now.

Fill in your application online and sign up to the terms and conditions of the scheme.
