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Strona główna " Produkty rolne " Sprzęt dla bydła " Universal Bracket – Double
Sprzęt dla bydła

Universal Bracket – Double

1002703 - Universal Drinker Bracket - Double
  • 3mm Sheet Construction
  • SHS 50x50x3mm
  • 640W x 800L x267HWymiary
  • Universal Bracket - Double

    Universal Bracket - Double


The Universal Bracket is designed to protect your Universal Drinker from boisterous animals, whilst also offering a multitude of simple mounting options for the drinker. Post, RSJ, wall or base mounted, the Universal Bracket is highly flexible and easy to install.

Universal Bracket

Pack Size



Supplied with fittings to attach Universal Drinker. Wall/post/stanchion fittings not supplied.

Note: This equipment is Hot Dip Galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461, however, where the equipment will be in prolonged contact with silage or other mineral rich water, it is recommended that food safe or non-toxic epoxy is applied to areas of the product which will be in contact with silage, feed or water before use, and then periodically thereafter when it is empty, clean and dry in order to prevent corrosion of the steel and zinc and therefore extend the life of the equipment.

  • 1002703 - Universal Drinker Bracket - Double
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