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Voir la gamme industrielleTru-Test™ XRP2i Panel Reader
XRP2i Panel Reader with small and large antenna
XRP2i Panel Reader with small antenna
XRP2i Panel Reader with large antenna
The XRP2i is built around Tru-Test’s state of the art digital signal processing that gives optimum read range while automatically reducing unwanted interference.
Its revolutionary fast auto tuning provides maximum performance under all conditions. The fixed panel reader environment isn’t static. Small changes in the metalwork or the simple action of opening a metal gate on a crush or crate can affect the reader’s range and read speed performance. Tru-Test’s EID panel readers maintain optimal performance through these changing conditions by retuning up to 18 times per second, ensuring consistent, accurate tag reads throughout your weigh session.
The XRP2i gives you the flexibility to record ID tags into a session file or send IDs directly to your weigh scale indicator to record individual animal weights and other information. It also comes with built-in Bluetooth® wireless technology to easily connect to your weigh scale indicator or smartphone.