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Équipement pour le bétail

Heavy Duty Circular Ring Feeder

F030 2000 03 - Heavy Duty Circular Ring Feeder
  • The Heavy Duty Circular Ring Feeder is manufactured in two sections bolted together
  • 2135mm diameter x 1450mm high x 670mm deep welded base
  • 20 feed spaces
  • 38.1mm x 38.1mm SHS horizontal rails
  • heavy duty circular ring feeder for cattle

    Heavy Duty Circular Ring Feeder

Vue d'ensemble

In addition to the Heavy Duty Ring Feeder, we also manufacture the Standard Ring Feeder and the Yearling Ring Feeder as part of our range of portable cattle feeding equipment.

  • The Heavy Duty Circular Ring Feeder is manufactured in two sections bolted together
  • 2135mm diameter x 1450mm high x 670mm deep welded base
  • 20 feed spaces
  • 38.1mm x 38.1mm SHS horizontal rails
  • 35mm o/d tube vertical rails at 335mm approx centres
  • May need some self assembly
  • F030 2000 03 - Heavy Duty Circular Ring Feeder

Vous pouvez également être intéressé par

Standard Circular Ring Feeder
Yearling Circular Ring Feeder