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Equipamiento ganadero

IAE Agriculture provide a large variety of cattle equipment. Take a look at our range of cattle equipment and contact us with your requirements.
Puerta corredera trasera Serie 800
AG-fit | AG-5 Puertas
AG-fit | AG-5 Gate Insert
Prattley Calf Weigh Crate
AG-5 Passage Gate Insert | AG-fit
Diagonal Feed Fence Gate Unit
Saracen Yoke Gate in Frame
Chieftain Yoke Gate in Frame
Tru-Test™ XR5000 Indicator
Tru-Test™ ID5000 Indicator
Tru-Test™ JR5000 Indicator
Tru-Test™ S3 Indicator
Tru-Test™ XRP2i Panel Reader
Tru-Test™ EziWeigh 7i
Tru-Test™ HD5T Load Bars
Tru-Test™ MP600 Load Bars
Tru-Test™ XRS2i EID Stick Reader
Sliding Type Gate Frame