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Inicio " Productos agrícolas " Equipamiento ovino " Tru-Test™ ID5000 Indicator
Equipamiento ganadero

Tru-Test™ ID5000 Indicator

880 0000-787
  • Store up to 1 million records in 1000 x weighing sessions and record up to three IDs and three pieces of information for each animal.
  • Track performance through calculating and visualising an animal’s weight gain.
  • Up to 5-way drafting by weight, weight gain and single criteria.
  • Pre-loaded common set-ups or save own favourite set-ups to easily switch between jobs.
  • ID5000 Indicator

    Tru-Test™ ID5000 Indicator

  • ID5000-indicator-with-adapter

    Tru-Test™ ID5000 with Adapter

  • ID5000 indicator with laptop

    Tru-Test™ ID5000 with Laptop

Visión general

The Tru-Test™ ID5000 Indicator can store up to 1 million records in 1000 x weighing sessions and record up to three IDs, plus three pieces of information for each animal.

  • Store up to 1 million records in 1000 x weighing sessions and record up to three IDs and three pieces of information for each animal.
  • Track performance through calculating and visualising an animal’s weight gain.
  • Up to 5-way drafting by weight, weight gain and single criteria.
  • Pre-loaded common set-ups or save own favourite set-ups to easily switch between jobs.
  • 880 0000-787

Contenidos relacionados

IAE anuncia su asociación estratégica con Datamars Livestock para convertirse en el distribuidor exclusivo en el Reino Unido de los productos Prattley.