2024 FETF-konform

Deluxe Calving Hurdle

F040 2013 20 - Deluxe Calving Hurdle
  • The 3 removable rails either allow for a caesarean section to be performed or for the calf to suckle from its mother
  • Cow can be yoked to assist with the calving
  • Low safe exit from yoke in case of the animal going to the ground
  • 5 rail gate with 3 removable rails
  • Deluxe Calving Hurdle

    Deluxe Calving Hurdle

  • Deluxe Calving Hurdle

  • Deluxe Calving Hurdle

  • Deluxe Calving Hurdle


The Deluxe Calving Hurdle is an essential item to any farmer during the calving season. The hurdle enables the pregnant animal to be isolated and safely restrained so that you can aid the birthing process in a controlled, calm and safe manner.

The addition of removable rails built into the restraining gate allows caesarean sections to be performed easily. Simply remove the rails to provide you and the vet with the space you need to safely remove the calf. Due to caesarean sections only being able to be performed on one side of the cow, the hurdle is set to be one hand only.

The calving hurdle is fronted by a unique yoke which is positioned differently to that of a standard feeding yoke. Due to the higher risk of animals going to ground during birth, the yoke is designed to allow for this and will therefore allow for the cow to go to ground without choking.

Farming Equipment & Technology Fund (FETF 2024) compliant (FETF65). View our complete product guide here.

  • The 3 removable rails either allow for a caesarean section to be performed or for the calf to suckle from its mother
  • Cow can be yoked to assist with the calving
  • Low safe exit from yoke in case of the animal going to the ground
  • 5 rail gate with 3 removable rails
  • The yoke is easily operated via a rope which extends to the back of the hurdle. This makes isolating the cow in the calving hurdle a one-person job.
  • Can be set at 90° from another fence line to create a temporary calving area
  • F040 2013 20 - Deluxe Calving Hurdle