

IAE Agriculture provide a large variety of cattle crushes. Take a look at our range of animal crushes and contact us with your requirements.
Hinteres Schiebetor Serie 800
M800 Vollzugriff Rinderquetsche
M800 Squeeze Cattle Crush
A800 Voller Zugang Rinderquetsche
A800 Squeeze Cattle Crush
Crusader Plus Cattle Crush
Highland Cattle Crush
Yearling Cattle Crush
Fußbeschneidungsset Serie 800
Frontkäfig Serie 800
Sternum Bar 800 Serie
Sliding Gate for Rear of Crush
Universal Any Hand Rear Cattle Crush Gate
Superscoop® MK 4.5
Cattle Crush Erweiterung 800 Serie
Bolt on Slotted Lugs (Squeeze)
Foot Trimming Kit
Cattle Crush Extension