Logo IAE
Perimeter Solutions

Roundex® Elite

  • 1800, 2000, 2400, 3000* *fence has a third horizontal rail Wysokości
  • 25 x 2 CHS Verticals
  • 122mm ctrs Bar spacing
  • 102 x 44 RSJPost size
  • 2750mmPost centres
  • Roundex Elite Railings

    Roundex Elite Railings

  • Roundex Elite Railings

    Roundex Elite Railings

  • Special Roundex Elite with Decorative Rings - Roundex Elite Railings

    Special Roundex Elite with Decorative Rings - Roundex Elite Railings


IAE Roundex Elite has forged tops on the hollow section verticals which visually enhance all the standard features of the Roundex Fence, creating an appealing security fencing system. It is commonly specified for the front of premises to offer that extra impact when standard Roundex is used elsewhere on site.


  • Housing Developments
  • Parks
  • Recreation Areas


  • Available from stock
  • Mocowania zabezpieczające
  • Stopki
  • Konstrukcja spawana
  • Cynkowane ogniowo zgodnie z normą BS EN ISO 1461
  • Opcja z poliestrową powłoką proszkową


  • Niski - Średni

Associated gates are made to order to suit either standard Roundex® or Roundex® Elite



Bow Top

Diamex® Elite/Prestige

Standard Ornate

IAE has built an unrivalled reputation for quality. Continual investment in the very latest technology ensures that we remain efficient and competitive.
Laser cutting, robotic welding and some of the most modern folding and bending machines allow IAE to offer a range of products and degree of precision that is unprecedented in our field.
Te nowoczesne praktyki pracy w połączeniu z ludzką wiedzą i innowacyjnymi projektami utrzymują nas w czołówce branży.