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Accueil " Produits agricoles " Équipement pour les ovins " Pivoting Lift and Swing Guillotine Gate
Équipement pour les ovins

Pivoting Lift and Swing Guillotine Gate

F051 2810 13 - Pivoting Lift and Swing Guillotine Gate 570mm
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  • Pivoting Lift and Swing Guillotine Gate

Vue d'ensemble

  • Supplied with pivot to suit swing and slide gate
  • Main frame is full height both sides
  • Internal height 1972mm
  • Bases are drilled so that adjoining race hurdles can be tapered if required when working on lambs (570mm wide only)
  • Pulley and nylon rope is included

  • F051 2810 13 - Pivoting Lift and Swing Guillotine Gate 570mm