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Swivel Trough

F093 2003 32 - Swivel Trough
  • A safe solution to feeding horses, allowing you to feed without entering the stable
  • Includes a plastic trough which rotates 180 degrees
  • Can be added anywhere along a frontage
  • trough close up

    Trough inside stable

  • Swivel Trough

  • trough outside stable

    Trough outside stable

  • Swivel Trough

  • Swivel trough in situ

    Swivel trough in situ

  • Swivel troughs

    Swivel troughs

Visión general

The Swivel Trough is a plastic feed trough which can be filled outside of the stable. Once filled, the trough can be “swivelled” to face back inside the stable. The trough is water tight and features an easily removable bunk for cleaning.

  • A safe solution to feeding horses, allowing you to feed without entering the stable
  • Includes a plastic trough which rotates 180 degrees
  • Can be added anywhere along a frontage
  • F093 2003 32 - Swivel Trough
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